2023 - 2024 Academic Year Tuition*
Download our Application for Admission
Please complete, print and bring the application to school
Preschool & Kindergarten Program
Full Day Programs (9:00am-3:00pm)
5 Days a Week $1,150
4 Days a Week $1,100
3 Days a Week $1,025
Half Day Programs (9:00am-12:00pm)
5 Days a Week $950
4 Days a Week $900
3 Days a Week $850
Extended Day Charges
Morning (7:00am-9:00am) $100
Afternoon (3:00pm-6:00pm) $200
Morning+Afternoon (7:00am-6:00pm) $250
Occasional Hourly $15 per hour
Vacation Daycare $10 per hour
Thanksgiving, Winter & Spring only
Kindergarten Materials Fee: $250
Summer School Materials Fee: $50
*Preschool children (up to age 3) who are not toilet trained pay a tuition surcharge of $100 per month.
Children age 3 and over must be toilet trained before attending preschool
Family Tuition Discounts
Second Child 5% discount is deducted from the older student's tuition
Third Child 20% discount is deducted from the older student's tuition
Registration Fee**
Paid at enrollment $300.00
Continuing Student Registration $250
*Tuition remains the same every month regardless of the number of school days in the month
(i.e. first & last month of school, months with holidays, and family vacations.
**Registration fees are non-refundable
***Extended Daycare is a flat rate regardless of schedule or pick up times